Yellow Medicine Review: A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art, and Thought



Yellow Medicine Review (YMR) Fall 2024

Call for Submissions



"I release you, my beautiful and terrible fear. I release you. You were my beloved and hated twin, but now, I don't know you as myself." ~Joy Harjo


For the Fall 2024 issue of Yellow Medicine Review, we want to see fear manifested and then dismantled in stories, poems, and creative nonfiction essays. Gaze at the terror until it submits...until you reach a point where you can turn your back on it and walk away with confidence. Face your dragons and be your own hero.


Do this work imaginatively, seizing your agency in the moment. For as N. Scott Momaday said, "We are what we imagine. Our very existence consists in our imagination of ourselves. Our best destiny is to imagine, at least, completely, who and what, and that we are. The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined." That said, we want to see writing that demonstrates insight into your fears and imaginative resolutions that prove to be, in some minute way perhaps, heroic responses. These works don't need to be melodramatic and loud. Subtle insights and small victories are oft-times the sweetest.


 We're eager to read work by elders and newbies and everyone in between and from every corner of indigenous experience. Take a risk. We love risky pieces. Push it. Cross imposed boundaries. Shatter expectations. Challenge norms. But do it brilliantly. 



Deadline for Submissions:     October 18, 2024

Expected Publication Date:    Late November 2024


Submit work as a single email attachment to:

In your email/cover letter, please include the following:

  • Your name and physical mailing address
  • List of all titles and genres (story, creative nonfiction essay, poetry) of included work
  • Short bio
  • Your tribal affiliation [YMR is a journal of Indigenous writing]


 Please adhere to the YMR submission format and guidelines:

  • Send work as a Word or RTF attachment. If  there is unusual formatting in your piece, please also include a PDF.
  • The subject line of your email should read as follows: YMR Fall 2024 Last Name (ex: YMR Fall 2024 Wilson)
  • Simultaneous and/or multiple submissions are acceptable, just please advise the editor if your work is accepted elsewhere.
  • Please no previously published work (though we do sometimes make exceptions--so maybe ask before submitting such)


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